Valeo Players Give Back

Because Giving Back Matters

Valeo FC players fill backpacks with school supplies to send to Jamaica and Haiti.

At Valeo we look to encourage our players to be leaders on and off the field. As part of this leadership initiative, the club aims to foster a culture of civic responsibility, volunteerism and giving back. 

As a part of this commitment to leadership development and community service, players at Valeo FC work to pack up back-to school bags full of school supplies to be sent to Jamaica and Haiti.

In total, 1000 bags, full of pens, pencils, rulers, pencil sharpeners, and notebooks were sent to various schools and orphanages in need.


Our kids learn that 'there are many kids just like us' that don't have the same opportunities they have.  Together we learn what it means to help one another, and the impact each of us can have on the world!   

New friends in Jamaica and Haiti receive their back packs.


Ameria Munroe

Manager at Blossom Gardens Child Care Facility in Monetgo Bay

"Please accept heartfelt thanks for your donation of school supplies to our children. we really appreciate this initiative and the children have benefited by your kind gesture".


Valeo Player Thanksgiving Project

At VFC we look to encourage our kids to be leaders on and off the field. A vital part of our program is fostering a culture of social awareness, volunteerism, and giving back.  In anticipation of Thanksgiving, our kids donated their time and friendship to the elderly at an annual City sponsored luncheon at the Unity Sports and Cultural Club in Dorchester, MA. While some kids were doing this, many others went door to door on Thanksgiving Day to hand out meals to identified families of need.



9 Industrial Park Dr

Oxford, MS 38655